Two types of hysterectomy could be done:
- Vaginal Hysterectomy: Removal of uterus through vaginal incision
- Abdominal Hysterectomy: an incision is made in abdominal wall to remove the
A hysterectomy could be done with removal of the ovaries, or one or both the ovaries could be preserved. Make sure that you know if the ovaries were removed because it can be necessary to prescribe hormone replacement therapy.
Please remember to call the consulting rooms the day before the operation to confirm
your theatre booking and time of admission.
Other important pre-operative points:
- You can shave your pubic hair at home
- Make sure you got a prescription for Betadine Douche from doctor.
- Betadine Douche should be used 1-2 days pre-operatively, and the morning before the operation, to cleanse the vagina. Read the instructions in the box to familiarise yourself on how to use it.
- When you call to confirm your booking we would be able to confirm your theatre
time and also from what time you should be fasting. - You will be hospitalised approximately 3 nights and sick leave for about six
weeks is usually necessary. - Prepare yourself for having a bladder catheter and an intravenous line (drip)
inserted when coming from theatre. - If possible, rather shower than bath in the first two weeks post-operatively so as
not to immerse the wound / vagina in water. - Treatment post-operatively is not always the same for everyone. Doctor will tell
you the important things, but if you are unsure – please call the rooms to enquire
(after discharge from hospital) - Stitches might have to be removed 10-14 days post-operatively. You will get
instructions when discharged from hospital - You might have light to mild vaginal bleeding 2-6 weeks after the operation
We wish you well with the operation – Consulting rooms telephone number: 012 335 2157
Daar word tussen twee tipes histerektomies onderskei, nl.
- Vaginale histerektomie: Die operasie word deur die vagina uitgevoer, of
- Abdominale histerektomie: ‘n Snit word in die buik gemaak.
Somtyds word die hele baarmoeder, sowel as die eierstokke verwyder. Dit kan ook so gebeur dat die baarmoeder verwyder word, maar die eierstokke ingelaat word. Dit is belangrik dat u weet of die eierstokke wel nog in is, omdat dit ‘n groot rol speel in
U moet asb. die spreekkamer een dag voor operasie skakel om besprekings te bevestig en
ook u opname tyd uit te vind:
- U kan alreeds by die huis skeer
- U sal ‘n voorskrif vir Betadine vaginale douche by Dr kry, kry dit 2 dae voor operasie by u apteek. Gebruik dit die aand voor die operasie, asook oggend van
die operasie om die vagina te reinig. Volledige instruksies hoe om dit te gebruik,
is in die houer van die douch. - Sodra u skakel om prosedure te bevestig, sal ons meer inligting gee met
betrekking tot u opname tyd in die hospitaal, asook van wanneer af u niks mag eet of drink nie. - U gaan vir gemiddeld 3 dae in die hospitaal wees. Siekverlof word vir ongeveer 6
weke beplan. - Berei u daarop voor dat u wel ‘n infuus (drip) sowel as ‘n kateter gaan inhê as u uit
teater kom. - Stort eerder as bad. As u nie anders kan nie, onthou net asb. die hoofsaak is om u
wonde droog te hou. - Behandeling na die operasie verskil van persoon tot persoon en selfs ook van
dokter tot dokter. Skakel asb. die spreekkamers oor enige onduidelikheid. - Ons verwyder steke vir abdominale histerektomies 10 – 14 dae na die operasie,
steke vir vaginale operasies los self op. - U mag ligte tot matige vaginale bloeding ondervind twee tot ses weke na die
Sterkte met die operasie – Spreekkamer telefoon nommer: 012 335 2157