Remedies for common discomfort in Pregnancy
- Eat dry bread or a dry biscuit before getting up
- Eat frequent small meals
- Drink a cup of ginger tea
- If vomiting is sever or persists after 4months go and see the doctor.
- Eat small frequent meals
- Drink milk
- Avoid spicy greasy food
- Avoid coffee, alcohol and cigarettes
- Sleep with your shoulder raised
- Swollen hands and feet are very common, especially in the afternoon and in hot weather.
- If the swelling is bad in the morning it is a sign that the woman must go and see her caregiver and have her blood pressure checked.
- Woman should avoid tight clothing and try to rest their feet a couple of times a day.
- Keep the back straight and bend your knees when bending down or picking something up.
- Get someone to massage your back. A warm cloth or hot water bottle may feel good.
- Get someone to help you do hard work especially lifting heavy things like furniture
- Try not to stand for long period of time
- Sit with your feet propped up.
- Regular exercise improves circulation
- Elastic stockings may help – especially if the legs swell (Talk to you doctor of midwife)
- Towards the end of pregnancy many woman get cramps in the calf muscles of
the leg.
- When the cramps happens advice the woman to flex her foot (point the food
upwards) and then gently relax it
- Eat lots of food with calcium
- Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
- Try eating some the fruit and vegetables raw
- Eat whole grains – brown rice and whole wheat foods
- Get some exercise
- Avoid sitting for long periods
- Drink lots of water
- All pregnant woman experience a discharge/wetness form the vagina during
- This discharge is usually clear and has no smell
- If the discharge becomes white and lumpy or turns yellow or green consult your doctor or midwife
- Try to rest a little every day
- Avoid anaemia – which will make a women very tired by eating green vegetables eggs and meat.
- Drink vitamins every day